Kybella or deoxycholic acid is an injectable for double chin treatment. In fact, it is the only injectable double-chin treatment. It is injected into the submental region of the face and works by destroying the cell membrane of the fat cells. The fat cells die as a result, and the fat under the chin is reduced. It was approved for usage by the FDA in 2015. Our article will inform of the possible side effects one might suffer from Kybella treatment and of a place that administers Kybella injection near me in Colorado. Kybella treatment doesn’t have too many side effects associated with it, barring the few that occurs commonly in every cosmetic surgery treatment. Kybella patients witness a 10% reduction of fat volume in their double chin and that too within six or even lesser number of treatments. Kybella greatly helps improve a person’s self-esteem by rendering them a more aesthetically pleasing appearance. Let’s learn about some possible side-effects that may occur with Kybella below
What are some of the adverse reactions from Deoxycholic Acid/Kybella treatment?
One must be aware of all the different effects that Kybella treatment can have – the good and the bad, before going forward with the treatment. It will inform them of what they can expect so they are not caught unawares if an untoward side-effect occurs. As with any treatment, the side-effects experienced by an individual may not correspond with another’s. The degree and kind of side-effects may depend upon the experience of the practitioner who has administered the injections. Other factors that have a bearing on the same are a person’s threshold for pain and submental fat content.
The side effects experienced from Kybella are generally localized to the injection area as the injection is placed subcutaneously. Among the side effects experienced, the most common ones are a pain, redness, bruising, numbness, swelling and hardness in the chin/lower jaw expanse. Most of these symptoms disappear within two weeks.
We will be discussing some of these in detail now : –
- Anxiety– Anxiety is rather common among Kybella patients. By virtue of it being an injectable treatment, it inspires fear in a lot of people. Especially, if you are scared of needles – this treatment can make you anxious. However, there is no reason for you to fear Kybella treatment as these needles aren’t even that large. The thought of needle insertion scares a good percentage of the population all the same, but this shouldn’t be a deterrent. The pros of the treatment outstrip the cons. The anxiety may not be centered around the needles for some; the potential pain they would feel could also be a reason. Again, Kybella injections do sting a little when being injected but the pain is very less as compared to some other cosmetic surgical treatments. Then there are others who might dread having to answer questions about swelling or inflammation that they may experience in the area post-procedure. Any such symptoms will go down of its own and is not reason enough to lose sleep over. The reasons could be many. It could be the abnormal sensations a person might be subject to momentarily after the treatment or the thought that the treatment may not work for them at all. If you’re somebody that finds the prospect of an injectable treatment unappetizing, you should inform your doctor so he/she can take steps to put you at ease. That said, any of these side-effects that could be causing you distress is really nothing to worry about as they are all temporary and won’t leave any lasting impact. Do you know what will? Your newly begotten shapely chin. It will leave your face looking young and fresh.
- Blisters– Kybella treatment can result in pockets of watery fluid and swollen bumps on the skin. However, blisters happen rarely and only on a small minority of the group that undergoes this treatment. Certain people are more prone to it and may develop a whole patch of blisters in their submental area but most only experience one or two. Half the time, these blisters aren’t even from the injection. Blisters occur only if you excessively scratch and irritate the skin after getting the injection administered. These blisters should go away of itself in a couple of weeks.
As you can see, the side effects that coincide with Kybella treatment is few and far between. If you have been struggling to get rid of your double chin despite diet and exercise, there is no reason you shouldn’t have a Kybella treatment performed. If you want the procedure performed and happen to be in or around Colorado, there is a place for Kybella injection near me at Fort Collins. To find out more, check out Dimensionz Injectables. Dimensionz is not only among the best places for Kybella injection near me, but it also offers a host of other injectable and aesthetic beauty treatments.